T-7 days and counting...
... Until Match Day! For those that don't know, Match Day is a tradition where, at the same time all over the country, thousands of graduating medical students receive an envelope containing the name of the program to which they are committed to do their residency training for the next several years. It is a major event for all of us, more important to many than gradation itself. Expect to hear from me on March 19th!
In other news, I finally coaxed my new hedgehog into the limelight! He is a bit difficult and uncooperative, but once I finish making him a girlfriend (pink with rainbow fur) he will hopefully get a bit more domesticated. Sadly, I made a significant error in my short-rows, and she may end up with a bit more of a boo-tay than originally intended. :-)
In garden news, seeds are started and growing indoors... My peas sprouted outside, but we then had a hard freeze. Who knows if they will live? Ah well, at least for this year I shouldn't need to depend on growing peas to survive... ;-)
I just finished up a month in the Emergency Department, and have a few days to catch up with life before starting Orthopedics. After that, Neurology... and then graduation! This is all coming a little bit fast for me...
EDIT: Bootay hedgehog is all done, and going into the washing machine even as we speak! Fortunately, since she was born a bit funky (what with the angular behind and the rainbow fur) she should not be as shy as the blue one... ;-)
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