Been hiding under a rock...
I apologize to people who I haven't gotten back to in months. I am working my way back through the thousands of emails I let slide this year...
First, school -- 3rd year done, all rotations and exams passed with flying colors! I finished my Sub-I (likely to be my hardest rotation of 4th year) last week, and now I have a month of freedom! And residency applications... All I have to say is that I completely adore sleeping in my own bed every night -- q4 call wears me out!
Next, life skills -- I started some gardening this summer, planting things at two different friends' houses. Looking forward to learning some new skills! I also have been drying and freezing fruit in preparation for the winter.
Finally, knitting -- I have FINALLY finished all the pieces of my rainbow sweater!
Also on tap today is to pick up veggies from Jubilee Farm CSA, and get ready for a weekend away at the cabin... Ahhh, the life of luxury. It will be hard to go back to med school rotations next month...