warming up...This set of finals feels different than usual; it feels like the warmup for the big game (boards) rather than the event itself. Fortunately, my clinical skills professor (we are in small groups to learn these things) has proclaimed me "ready for 3rd year". Whew! :-)
I've been knitting still, although it has gotten a bit simpler lately; here is a nearly-completed scarf made from Noro Kureyon inspired by
Brooklyn Tweed (although not nearly as nice!) and using some yarn I got for Christmas from my aunt.
I've also been learning to run! A friend referred me to an excellent podcast, the
"Couch-to-5K" put together by Robert Ullrey. The program uses intervals of walking and running, along with great music, to coax some running out of even the most running-phobic! I'm on week 4 of 9, and it works great!!! Thanks, Robert!
Well, sadly, it's back to studying "Neurobiology of Mental Illness". Yum!