Northwest Knitter

Hi! I am am a 4th year medical student, sailor, and knitter in Seattle, WA. If all goes as planned, knitting and playing with boats will keep me sane while in school! Recently, I have gotten woo'ed by "going green" and am doing my best to improve and consume/waste less...

Monday, June 05, 2006

frolicking in fibers!

Now that I have had a chance to sleep enough to recover from school, I can show off some of my recent activities! First, my "garden":

So far so good... Perhaps I have grown out of my "brown thumb" afterall! Leann and Lois passed the pansies my way, and they were perfect for my little deck box...

I have had knitting party after knitting party the last couple of days. I am almost done with blue socks for my aunt (just a bit of redoing the toes left), I finished the first of my pair of pink socks (BMFA Sock Candy), and got a few more inches done on the sweater that will take forever. More exciting, however, is that Erin came over on Saturday night and taught me how to spin! She gave me a spindle and some fiber, and once I spin through it all, she will teach me how to ply!

I also started a Crusoe sock with my "Azalea" yarn, and it looks fantastic so far! I love how the stranding in the pattern brings out the pink in the yarn. Love it!

I hope I can keep up this pace for a while... then I might be able to justify some new fibers at the Black Sheep Gathering this month!


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